
These instructions will guide you through a structured code review of your portfolio website.

Roles and responsibilities

According to this site ( there are many different roles when doing a more formal review. Especially two of them are relveant for now:


The author shares his screen to the rest of the group. Start with step 1. The IDE, project folder location and other relevant items are demonstrated by the author. The reviewers look at the relevant section of the assignment specification and the frequently made mistakes. When needed, reviewers ask for specific items to show.

The reviewers mention everything they consider possible defects and errors. The group discusses this for at most one or two minutes and reaches a consensus on how to improve it. The author takes note of this in a TODO like manner (see the Taking notes section) so that he can incorporate it later. If no consensus can be reached, ask for a teacher or student assistant (park the subject for now and continue the review if you need to wait for a teacher/student assistant).

<aside> 💡 Besides mentioning defects and errors, reviewers might also provide tips & tricks on how to solve some of these issues.


Try to timebox each step at a max of 5-7.5 minutes. Then continue with steps 2, 3 and 4. When the review is finished the next student will demonstrate his project. Continue until each student is reviewed.

Taking notes

As mentioned, the author takes notes about the feedback (changing the code immediately is not advised, because it will be more time consuming and may lead to other errors). This should be in a TODO like manner. Try to describe what you need to do here in order to process what has been discussed. This might include things like “decide on how to improve …” or “Ask teacher if … is correct or not / how … can be improved or should be solved”

You might want do this with comments in the code (like <!-- TODO: your comment here --!> in HTML documents or /* TODO: your comment here */ in CSS).

STEP 1 - Development environment

Demonstrate and discuss if the working environment meets the requirements in section Hosting and working environment of the assignment specification. Check at least the: