Before Presenting
- Prepare your website. Make sure all your pages are finished (or as close to as you can)
- Prepare and print your poster
The poster presentation a very casual way of presenting where the assessors and you yourself walk around the room to look at each others work. You must also give and receive feedback during the session.
You will present both your website and your poster. During the presentation, the following will be looked at:
- Your Poster: The front end, design, and presenting the information on the pages
- Is your site showing your eagerness for this studies by everything you have done
- Laptop: Back-end coding and technical skills
- Does your code and working environment show your ICT talent?
Where to Present
You will present according to your class and group:
- The Dutch group will present in the morning from 10:00 - 12:00
- The International Groups A + B will present after lunch from 12:45 - 14:45
We have multiple classrooms available. Select a classroom found in your schedule according to your own preference
Give and Gather Feedback
During the presentations, you must give and gather feedback from lecturers and fellow students.
- Give feedback by filling in this feedback forms for three fellow students websites
- Additionally, gather feedback from at least one assistant or teacher
💡 Feedback should be about improvement of your website to make it even better to be able to finalise it for the assessment. It could also be about applying a technical solution somebody offered you.
After the Presentation
Do this after the presentation is over